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royal jelly oral liquid

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the product contains a wealth of essential amino acids, glucose, minerals and vitamins, especially trans-10-hydroxyδ2-decenoic acid, an immunopotentiator which can retard senility and prevent arteriosclerosis. it can be used as an adjutant for the treatment of neurasthenia, rheumatic arthritis, hepatitis, gastric ulcer, anemia and cancer.

dosage administration: for adults: one vial daily, to be taken either morning or evening, for very debilitated cases after sever illness or during postpartum recovery, the dose may be in creased to two vials daily. for children, the dose should be correspondingly reduced.

ingredients: fresh royal jelly, radix ginseng, astragalus, bee honey.


royal jelly oral liquid

royal jelly oral liquid

royal jelly oral liquid

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